[Error] Expected tensor for argument #1 'indices' to have scalar type Long; but got torch.IntTensor instead (while checking arguments for embedding)Setting & Error 2021. 8. 11. 01:28반응형
torch.from_numpy(np.random.randint(1, V, size=(batch, 10))) 를
torch.from_numpy(np.random.randint(1, V, size=(batch, 10))).long() 로 바꾼다. long() 붙이기
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RuntimeError when trying to train a new model - self-attentive-parser
Ask questionsRuntimeError when trying to train a new model First of all, thank you for sharing the code for this great work. I'm trying to train a model in the most simple setup using the following command-line arguments: (python self-attentive-parser-mast
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